history, economics, and current events

The Reichstag Is Burning

The Reichstag Is Burning


The riot in the Capitol of the USA on January 6, 2021 has led to Democrats calling for Republicans to be removed from office on the pretext that they were responsible for the attack.[1]


The burning of the German Reichstag building on February 27, 1933 led the the NAZI party to remove Communists from office on the pretext that they were responsible for the attack.

After the arson, the new Chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler, asked the President of Germany to suspend civil liberties so he could go after the Communists responsible, as the man accused and later executed for the arson was a Communist.

President Hindenburg’s February 28, 1933 Reichstag Fire Decree gave Hitler the power to violate the rights of the Germans, resulting in mass arrests. [2]

The government of the USA largely already has those same emergency powers, as Joe Biden was the original author of the 20 year old Patriot Act and has promised to go after the NRA on day one of his presidency. [3][4]

The principal counsel for PBS, lawyer Michael Beller, has even suggested putting the children of Trump supporters into camps! Hitler had the idea of sending people to camps too. The USA already have the world’s largest prison population. [5][6]

The German legislature then passed and President Hindenburg signed into law, the Enabling Act on March 23, 1933, which made Hitler the leader (führer) of Germany. [7]

After being made the leader, Hitler began burning the books at the Nuremberg Rallies (May 1933) and used the SS and SA street thugs to close the businesses of his political enemies, as they had been doing since their formation.


Similarly, Facebook, Google, and Twitter are deplatforming (book burning) conservatives after the government had already locked down the economy (closed businesses) and prohibited the freedom of assembly while Antifa continues to intimidate the Democrats political enemies.[8-10]

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