Hamilton Mobley

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Nothing Burger

The Biden campaign or affiliates may have committed voter fraud or rigged the election.[1]

If so, the election in Pennsylvania could be decisive.

Trump may win the popular vote in Pennsylvania as absentee ballots received after Nov 3, at 8PM may be invalidated. Those were the ballots which gave Biden the lead in that State. Alexander Macris, publishing on Zerohedge writes,

“Again, translating this into common English, the US Constitution grants state legislators the exclusive right to prescribe the time, place, and manner of holding elections, and to direct the appointment of the electors.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court didn’t just say ‘Act 77 is unconstitutional.’ It re-wrote Act 77 itself, by judicial fiat, creating new rules for time, place, and manner, of holding elections. In doing so, the State Supreme Court violated the US Federal Constitution.

And that’s the real case here. The US Supreme Court is going to rule that the State Supreme Court violated the US Constitution, the State Supreme Court’s ruling is going to be overturned, and the votes that arrived after 8 PM on election day will be discarded. On that basis, Trump will win Pennsylvania.”[2]

As evidenced by Russiagate and Bernie’s primary campaigns in 2016 and 2020, it is plausible that the Democratic Party committed voter fraud.[3-7]

Will voter fraud be a nothing burger or the main course?[8]







