Hamilton Mobley

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Limiting competition for profit is the goal of a cartel. In the USA, drug cartels are heavily involved in politics because their profits depend on politicians using taxes and regulations to channel consumers into buying their products.

According to dictionary.com, a cartel is, “an international syndicate, combine, or trust formed especially to regulate prices and output in some field of business,” and “a coalition of political or special-interest groups having a common cause, as to encourage the passage of a certain law.” Government laws and regulations create cartels and keep costs high for consumers.[1]

The illicit drug cartels have consumers channeled into buying their products because the illegality of the products discourages competition. Not everyone wants to risk going to prison, especially when your competition is a drug cartel known for buying off judges and the police and murdering the competition.

According to the economist Milton Friedman,[2]

“See, if you look at the drug war from a purely economic point of view, the role of the government is to protect the drug cartel. That's literally true [...] It's very hard for a small person to go into the drug importing business because our interdiction efforts essentially make it enormously costly. So, the only people who can survive in that business are these large Medellin cartel kind of people who have enough money so they can have fleets of airplanes, so they can have sophisticated methods, and so on.” -Milton Friedman, 1991 interview with Randy Paige on America’s Drug Forum.

When two people are prohibited from settling their disputes in court, then the violent one will settle it in the street and control the drug trade.

However, it is not just the illicit drug cartels which have the government channel consumers into buying their products. Legal drug cartels also benefits from competition-killing taxes and regulations. Exempli gratia, Pfizer and Moderna had governments across the world mandate that people take their hurriedly invented and mass produced covid vaccines that hadn’t been fully tested for side effects.

Making an offer that people can’t refuse is a good mafia business model.

Not only were people forced to take the vaccine if they wanted to keep their job, stay in school, or feed their family, they were also prohibited from suing the vaccine companies over any adverse side affects.

According to Mackenzie Sigalos, writing for CNBC on Dec 23, 2020,[3]

“If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covidvaccine, lawyers tell CNBC there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. court of law. 

The federal government has granted companies like Pfizerand Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.”

It is coming out that some of the side effects could be infertility and myocarditis. Could these side effects be somehow linked to otherwise healthy people suddenly dying randomly?

Also, the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission and you might still get covid...

Limiting competition for profit is the goal of a cartel. In the USA, drug cartels are heavily involved in politics because their profits depend on politicians using taxes and regulations to channel consumers into buying their products.


[2]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZNeZUROVM0 Start at the beginning
