history, economics, and current events

Christmas 1991: The Fall of the USSR

Christmas 1991: The Fall of the USSR

On the night of December 25th, 1991, the Soviet flag was lowered from the Kremlin for the last time. The Russian flag was raised in its place.

Per history.com,[1]

“By December 25, 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev was a president without a country. Three of the Soviet Union’s 15 republics had already declared independence, and days earlier the leaders of 11 others agreed to leave the USSR to form the Commonwealth of Independent States. Once the republic leaders signed the Soviet Union’s virtual death warrant, all that was left was for Gorbachev to pull the plug. 

So in a 10-minute televised speech on the night of December 25, a weary Gorbachev addressed a nation that no longer existed. He announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union and his resignation as its eighth and final leader.”

The author was born shortly before the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989. Back then, several intellectuals were predicting the collapse of the USA to be replaced by Socialism and the USSR.[2]

Considering the protests and deteriorating living condition of the average citizen of the USSR and their satellite states in the 1980’s, especially when compared to the living standard in the USA, the Soviet’s collapse should have been predictable.[3]

However, the intellectuals were right in that the USA would adopt Socialism- at least progressively. They were just wrong in thinking that it was a cure instead of a disease. The USA and the Western world (including China) have been experiencing protests and deteriorating living conditions as printing money to pay for everything comes to its logical conclusion. We are living through the end of Socialism in the world- not the beginning.[4][5][6]

To quote Mark Twain’s reply on how he went bankrupt,

“Slowly and then all at once.”







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