history, economics, and current events

Climate Change

Climate Change

Some people think that people are causing the climate to change and that the government can stop it. The climate does change but it is largely due to the precession of the Earth’s axis and variation of the Earth’s obliquity. The world’s biggest polluters, the government, won’t save us by giving them more money and power. They can only make fuel expensive.[1]

The Earth is hot or cold depending on how directly the sun shine’s on it. The part of the Earth closest to the sun is the hottest and the furthest point is coldest. The Earth is tilted on it’s axis. Precession and variation change which parts of the Earth are closest to the sun over a period of decades, centuries, and millennia. The tilt of the Earth’s axis is why we have 4 seasons.

According to John Martineau, writing an article entitled The Secret of the Long Count for grahamhancock.com,[2]

“Precession is caused by the slow rotation of the Earth’ axis. It gives rise to a circle of pole stars, and has the effect of displacing the rising of an easterly star by 1 degree every 72 years.”

That means that about every 2,160 years, the zodiac constellation changes (360 degrees divided by the 12 zodiac constellations multiplied by 72 years per degree). However, precession only occurs roughly every 72 years. This means that the Earth makes a complete precessional cycle about every 25,700 years instead of every 25,920 years (72x360=25,920).

Britannica.com notes,[3]

In compiling his famous star catalog (completed in 129 BCE), the Greek astronomer Hipparchus noticed that the positions of the stars were shifted in a systematic way from earlier Babylonian (Chaldean) measures. This indicated that it was not the stars that were moving but rather the observing platform—Earth. Such a motion is called precession and consists of a cyclic wobbling in the orientation of Earth’s axis of rotation with a period of 25,772 years.

Additionally, there is something called the Variation of the Earth’s Obliquity.

Mr. Martineau continues,

“The Earth’s axis is tilted relative to the plane of its orbit and it’s this tilt, which gives us our seasons. No tilt would give no seasons, but the tilt of the Earth oscillates from 22.1 degrees to 24.5 degrees and back again over 41,040 years. When the Earth is more highly tilted we experience more extreme seasons, hotter summers and colder winters. Right now we’re almost exactly in the middle of the cycle with an axial tilt of roughly 23.4 degrees.”

Some people think that people are causing the climate to change and that the government can stop it. The climate does change but it is largely due to the precession of the Earth’s axis and variation of the Earth’s obliquity. The world’s biggest polluters, the government, won’t save us by giving them more money and power. They can only make fuel expensive.






