DEI: Divide Et Impera
Democrats are importing foreigners to replace American voters. Historically, empires support minorities in a country to rule over the majority. Examples are Judea under Roman rule, Palestine under British rule, and the Goths under Roman Rule. How Americans respond to foreigners when food gets scarce will determine if we have peace or war on our soil.
DEI means diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is racism against Westerners, focusing on white people who can trace their ancestry to Western (Roman/Latin) Europe. It is the Great Replacement. In America, Democrats don’t want people to read the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, nor their State’s Constitution. So, they tell them that the documents are racist and to ignore them. Democrats want to make white people a minority. The lockdowns would have turned into a genocide had that been the case.
As a side note, they must seriously hate Vivek Ramaswamy.
DEI is really divide et impera, which is Latin for divide and rule (imperative-command; emperor-commander). Historically, the Romans would support the weaker side in a country, with whom they would rule over the rest. For example, King Herod ruled the Kingdom of Judah (37- 4 BC) because his father was allies with Pompey Magnus, and then Herod was allied with Marc Antony and finally Caesar Augustus.[1]
Herod represented the Hellenized Jews, whom the majority disliked. As a background, one of the successor kings to Alexander the Great’s empire, Antiochus IV of the Seleucid Empire, tried to replace Judaism with the worship of Greek Gods in 168 BC, causing the Maccabean revolt (Channukah). Because he was a Hellenized Jew, Herod even built a temple to the Roman son of god, Caesar Augustus, at Caeserea-Phillipi. He also built the second Temple, where Jesus would teach.
The Jews would revolt 3 different times, until the Romans killed and deported most of them from Judea and the Emperor Hadrian renamed it Syria-Palestine in the second century AD. The Jews were replaced.[2]
Palestine was conquered by the British during WWI, with Jerusalem falling in 1917 AD. The British, through Lord Balfour, promised Lord Rothschild, a wealthy Jewish banker, to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Many European Jews would flee the Holocaust before and after WWII to British Palestine. The British then abandoned the region in 1948, the immigrants created their own country the same year, and the British (Anglo-American) Empire has supported Israel ever since.[3][4]
In America today, the Democrats are trying to replace American voters with illegal immigrants who will support Socialism. It will result in chaos when we default on the debt because immigrants and Americans won’t get welfare payments or paycheques for working for the government. People get wishy washy about the rights of others when their kids are hungry. People are tribal in an emergency.
“The U.S. has always paid its bills on time, but the overwhelming consensus among economists and Treasury officials of both parties is that failing to raise the debt limit would produce widespread economic catastrophe. In a matter of days, millions of Americans could be strapped for cash. We could see indefinite delays in critical payments. Nearly 50 million seniors could stop receiving Social Security checks for a time. Troops could go unpaid. Millions of families who rely on the monthly child tax credit could see delays. America, in short, would default on its obligations.” -US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, former chairman of the Fed (2014-2018), in opinion piece written for the Wall Street Journal, Sept 19, 2021
However, that doesn’t mean that we should treat foreigners with hate or happily inflict punishment instead of mercy. To wit, the Goths are a cautionary tale. In 376 AD, they were seeking refuge from the Huns and promised military support in exchange for being allowed to settle on the Roman Empire’s side of the Danube River, in modern Bulgaria. They were called foederati (federal) soldiers, because they made a treaty with Rome.
The Romans immediately began to cheat them and take advantage of their desperation. Many Goths sold their children into slavery in order to avoid starving to death. In 378 AD, they revolted and defeated a Roman army at the Battle of Adrianople (Hadrian’s City). The Romans made peace with the Goths in 382 AD, incorporating them into the army. After more betrayals and internal fighting, in 410 AD Alaric would use his Gothic federal army to loot Rome for the 1st time in 800 years.[5]
So, while we should expel illegal immigrants for our own safety and employ the ones who don’t leave per the 13th Amendment, we should not treat them poorly or with hate. [6]
We should employ the concept of E pluribus unum, meaning, from many we are united. However, that will require integration into American culture for those legally here, including Americans who are ignorant of their own laws and history. Why would foreigners want to integrate if they think that American culture is degenerate and in decline?
We are, fundamentally, modern Romans. Like the Romans, we have a common law (Constitutional Republic), common language (English), and we are different peoples with different cultures united in a federation. Sometimes, the best Romans were foreigners, because they appreciated the good parts of Roman culture. After all, Rome was only looted after the Roman general Stilicho, who was half Vandal, was assassinated in 408 AD.
DEI seeks to replace Western unity with barbarian raiders, so that they can loot Rome and divide the empire.
We should replace divide et impera with e pluribus unum.
Democrats are importing foreigners to replace American voters. Historically, empires support minorities in a country to rule over the majority. Examples are Judea under Roman rule, Palestine under British rule, and the Goths under Roman Rule. How Americans respond to foreigners when food gets scarce will determine if we have peace or war on our soil.