Hamilton Mobley

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Millions of foreigners move to America illegally. Today, Title 42 ended which means that a bunch more will come over the border. We fix immigration by requiring anyone wanting to move here to memorize the Bill of Rights and to sign a contract with a citizen who would be liable for their crimes and debts. Apply the 13th Amendment to anyone who stays illegally after a relatively short transition period.[1]

There are news broadcasts of hundreds and thousands of illegal immigrants (colonists) living on the streets of American border towns. Some are being bused to Democratic sanctuary cities where the voters supposedly support being colonized.

The problem is that many (most?) colonists are poor and there aren’t many jobs or places for them to stay without seriously disrupting our economy because our biggest employer is the government and the taxpayer is tapped out. We’re already printing trillions of dollars. Housing the colonists would probably crash the housing market, and not housing them would leave desperate people in the streets.

With the USA on the verge of bankruptcy, the potential for violence is, unfortunately, high. How will 1 million foreign, military aged men coming across the border react when we default on the debt? People are tribal and wishy washy about the rights of other tribes when their kids are hungry. Will they protect my rights if they are armed, or will they choose to steal from my tribe to benefit their family? How much influence will the cartels have on the largely Hispanic immigrant population? How many are spies and soldiers who can commit espionage and cripple our infrastructure? It could be as simple as stealing copper from power lines and old telecommunication lines while they move from place to place.

Luckily, The United States have always been multicultural, untied by the English language, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. We also produce more than enough food for everyone in America.

Additionally, the Constitution was adopted during a time of historic debt, historic inflation, and insurrections. The Founders knew that weak sons were often raised by strong fathers. That was the fault of monarchy and of successive generations of inherited wealth. The Founders knew that a weak generation would be born. The Constitution was made for hard times. Churches and mutual aid societies will grow and flourish in this environment.

But still, immigrants stream across the Southern border.

We fix immigration by requiring anyone wanting to move here to memorize the Bill of Rights and to sign a contract with a citizen who would be liable for their crimes and debts. Apply the 13th Amendment to anyone who stays illegally after a relatively short transition period.

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” -13th Amendment

The colonists can stop being slaves as soon as they buy a plane ticket back home. As an example, after reckoning with the debt, the slaves could pay half of their income in taxes and save the other half for a plane ticket. Americans could have most taxes abolished because our Constitutional government doesn’t need much money to function. If foreigners want to live in America and work, then they can come legally or work as slaves.

No birthright citizenship for foreigners. Dual citizens should automatically lose their US citizenship.

Millions of foreigners move to America illegally. Today, Title 42 ended which means that a bunch more will come over the border. We fix immigration by requiring anyone wanting to move here to memorize the Bill of Rights and to sign a contract with a citizen who would be liable for their crimes and debts. Apply the 13th Amendment to anyone who stays illegally after a relatively short transition period.
