Hamilton Mobley

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Who Owns Bitcoin?

The dollar now is worth less than it used to be because the government has printed more money than used to exist (inflation). In the future, it will be worth even less if more money enters the market.

What if the dollar had a strict limited supply?

Enter bitcoin.

Bitcoin has an advantage over paper/digital dollars because there is a strict limited supply. Bitcoin will not be worth less due to anyone increasing the supply-


-if not all of the bitcoins in the world have entered the market.

What if there exist bitcoin whales- possibly in the government- who own a significant amount of bitcoins and can inflate the supply available to the market?

Ergo, de facto inflation.

Who owns bitcoin?

Editor’s note: After speaking with a bitcoin bull, it seems that most bitcoin is accounted for as it is easily traced as a function of being on the blockchain as part of its algorithm.
Assuming the bull is correct, the author’s theory would only work out if one entity held a majority of bitcoin through multiple accounts.