Hamilton Mobley

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Rich Men North of Richmond

Rich Men North of Richmond, by a West Virginian named Oliver Anthony, is the most popular song in the USA at the moment and has been for about 2 weeks. As a Southerner, the author appreciates the narrative being from the South looking up to Washington, D.C. This is an interpretation of the lyrics.[1]

“I’ve been selling my soul. Working all day,

Overtime hours for bullshit pay.

So I can sit out here and waste my life away,

Drag back home and drown my troubles away.”

In flyover country, people are getting poor and hopeless and are turning to drugs to feel better.

“It’s a damn shame,

What the world’s gotten to,

For people like me and people like you.

Wish I could just wake and and it not be true,

But it is. Oh it is.

Living in the New World with an old soul.

These rich men North of Richmond, Lord knows they all just wanna have total control.

Wanna know what you think. Wanna know what you do.”

He is saying that he feels connected to the past, the America that can only exist in a free country, an America that is being replaced by the New World Order.

“And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do.

Because your dollar aint shit and it’s taxed to no end,

‘Cause of rich men North of Richmond.”

People may be awakening because their dollar aint shit and it’s taxed to no end.

To quote Ludwig von Mises in Human Action (1949), page 428,

“But then finally the masses wake up. They become suddenly aware of the fact that inflation is a deliberate policy and will go on endlessly. A breakdown occurs. The crack-up boom appears. Everybody is anxious to swap his money against ‘real’ goods, no matter whether he needs them or not, no matter how much money he has to pay for them. Within a very short time, within a few weeks or even days, the things which were used as money are no longer used as media of exchange. They become scrap paper. Nobody wants to give away anything against them.”

The BRICS countries are currently having a meeting and are discussing abandoning the dollar for international trade.[2][3][4]

“I wish politicians would look out for miners,

Not just minors on an island somewhere.”

This is a reference to policies that have eliminated mining jobs in West Virginia and Eipstein’s Island together with convicted sex slave trader Ghislaine Maxwell’s undisclosed client list of child sex slave buyers.[5][6]

“Lord, we got folks in the street aint got nothing to eat,

And the obese milking welfare.

God if you’re 5’3” and your 300 pounds,

Taxes out not pay for your bags of fudge rounds.”

The USA has many homeless and hungry people now. Just go to any major city. Additionally, many people on welfare spend their neighbor’s taxes on their sugar addiction. Americans are known for being obese. Just come to Mississippi. People are getting poor and hopeless and are turning to drugs to feel better

“Young men are putting themselves 6 feet in the ground,

Because all this damn country does is keep on kicking them down.”

The policy of Democrats has been to progressively ostracize ethnic American culture as evil by attacking men as evil. It started with black men and the drug war (fatherless homes) and expanded to every man that isn’t gay or part of the Progressive cult. Additionally, they have been promoting women and diversity in job hirings (not white men) while traditional, male manufacturing jobs have been taxed and regulated out of existence. Successful women won’t marry unsuccessful men. Along with abortion, that means fewer kids raised by men who know their ancestry and heritage. With more immigrants, that means fewer ethnic Americans. Kind of brilliant.

“Lord, it’s a damn shame.

What the world’s gotten to,

For people like me and people like you.

Wish I could just wake and and it not be true,

But it is. Oh it is.

Living in the New World with an old soul.

These rich men North of Richmond, Lord knows they all just wanna have total control.

Wanna know what you think. Wanna know what you do.

And they don’t think you know but I know that you do.

Because your dollar aint shit and it’s taxed to no end,

‘Cause of rich men North of Richmond.

I’ve been selling my soul, working all day.

Overtime hours for bullshit pay.”

Luckily for Americans, the Constitution was made for hard times. We’ll be the next Greatest Generation.

Honestly, this aint as bad as the Winter of 1776 and this aint Valley Forge. We’ll come by stronger. Some people will learn to survive by hard work or crawl in a hole and die. Luckily, the South is in the Bible Belt so Christian charity will act as the social safety net here. Plus, we have guns, so not too many criminals will go around without getting killed.

Rich Men North of Richmond, by a West Virginian named Oliver Anthony, is the most popular song in the USA at the moment and has been for about 2 weeks. As a Southerner, the author appreciates the narrative being from the South looking up to Washington, D.C. This is an interpretation of the lyrics.



[3]https://news.yahoo.com/putin-cant-attend-brics-summit-034444904.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAA1CPMO5JHD6cjJND9zx0Ok24_6XCXSbPu_Ey_9fqMZaF_Eat5_uKMwsqutkIz7bUe34lbgBjBvAKRa5t8RZUWADZJhvl6u04flPwZNvx9ZmufB-cQ1itVrQCv2FdzrtQbHZhPqq_B-DFCb9ANuGGzx2HJtof1z_IIWh9q9pUvjh Editors Note: What a weird URL for this Yahoo News article.


