history, economics, and current events

The Pendulum Swings Right?

The Pendulum Swings Right?

Canada and California are both having recall elections for their chief executives.

The hypocrisy of the rich elites impoverishing people through their mask and vaccine mandates that they don’t even follow seems to be the main point of contention.

California’s election is today, Sept 14, 2021.[1]

Canada’s recall elections (prompted by the incumbent, Justin Trudeau), is on Sept 20.[2]

Republican Larry Elder, a self described libertarian, could win the election in California against the incumbent Gavin Newsom and the liberty oriented Maxime Bernier of the PPC (People's Party of Canada/ Parti populaire du Canada) has been showing an interesting rise in popularity against Trudeau.[3][4]

Considering the scale of the protests and civil disobedience around the world, the pendulum may be swinging towards liberty.[5][6][7][8][9]

I mean, the elites wouldn’t inflate the covid numbers for political power, would they?[10]











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