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Canadian Politics

Canadian Politics

The Canadian Parliament, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, gave a standing ovation for a Ukrainian member of the Waffen SS, an elite military unit fighting for the NAZIs in World War II, while Jewish Ukrainian President Zelensky visited on Friday, September 22, 2023. Justin Trudeau and his like have been calling Candadians NAZIs for opposing the covid lockdowns. Maxime Bernier, Canadian politician and founder of the People’s Party of Canada had some pointed comments.

Per Nadine Yousif and Max Matza writing for the BBC,[1]

“Yaroslav Hunka, 98, got a standing ovation after House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota called him a "hero" during a Friday visit by Ukraine's president.

Mr Rota has said he did not know of Mr Hunka's Nazi ties and made a mistake in inviting him to attend the event.

He faces calls to resign.


During World War Two, Mr Hunka served in the 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division, also known as the Galicia Division - a voluntary unit made up mostly of ethnic Ukrainians under Nazi command.”

To be fair, the Soviet Union had been committing genocide against Ukranians in the 1930s with the Great Famine (Holodomor) that resulted in 5 million Ukrainians starving to death. So, to have the NAZIs invade and liberate your country from the Soviets in 1941 would seem like a good thing. This was also before Ukranians knew about the Holocaust. Mr. Hunka knew of the Ukrainian genocide.[2]

Maxime Bernier, former member of the Canadian Parliament and founder of the People’s Party of Canada had some pointed comments on this occasion.

On Sept 24, he tweeted,[3]

“When one provocateur with a Nazi flag appeared at the Freedom Convoy, the lying mainstream media used this as proof that the protesters were white supremacists and extremists.

Are they going to do the same with the Liberal government that invited an actual Nazi in Parliament?”

That same day, he again tweeted,[4]

“We can’t allow Nazi sympathizers to occupy Ottawa.

They should be kicked out of town and their bank accounts frozen!”

They are pointed because Canadians who opposed Justin Trudeau’s covid police state were called NAZIs. People who partook in the Freedom Convoy had their bank accounts shut down by Justin Trudeau. The Freedom Convoy was a series of miles long slow drives/shutdowns of Canadian streets in protest of the lockdowns and vaccine/mask mandates by conservative protestors. They were mirroring Dutch farmers (Boers) shutting down roads in the Netherlands, starting in 2019, to protest the EU trying to bankrupt them because they produced greenhouse gases while farming.[5][6]

So the people who called Canadians NAZIs gave someone who was in an elite military unit fighting for the actual NAZIs a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament. What a total joke of a country. Canada will be a beautiful country once it isn’t ruled by people who cheer for NAZIs.

The Canadian Parliament, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, gave a standing ovation for a Ukrainian member of the Waffen SS, an elite military unit fighting for the NAZIs in World War II, while Jewish Ukrainian President Zelensky visited on Friday, September 22, 2023. Justin Trudeau and his like have been calling Candadians NAZIs for opposing the covid lockdowns. Maxime Bernier, Canadian politician and founder of the People’s Party of Canada had some pointed comments.









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