history, economics, and current events

Mississippi Politics

Mississippi Politics

Recently, Democratic nominee for the Governor of the great state of Mississippi, Brandon Presley, said that he would get rid of the good ole boys’ club. He may want to check his notes, because Democrats had run the state until a little over a decade ago. They are the good ole boys’ club.

On September 8, Brandon Presley tweeted,[1]

“When I announced that I was running for governor, I launched a war on corruption. Mississippians are tired of the same old, self-serving good ole boys club running Jackson. To do get this done, we’re going to:

Crack down on the influence of corporate interests and lobbyists

Create a nonpartisan watchdog

Clean up the largest corruption scandal in state history”

Before Reconstruction- the military occupation by the Republican Party of the former Confederate States from 1865 until 1877 following the loss of the War for Southern Independence- and afterwards, Democrats dominated the Mississippi Governorship and Legislature, The first Republican Governor of Mississippi since Reconstruction was Kirk Fordice (1992-2000). Three Republican Governors have been elected since: Haley Barbour (2004-2012), Phil Bryant (2012-2020), and Tate Reeves (2020-present). 2007 was the year that Republicans first briefly gained a majority in the Mississippi Senate since Reconstruction, because 2 Senators switched parties in 2007 before Democrats regained their majority in the election later that year. The Senate has been majority Republican since 2011. After Reconstruction, the Republican Party didn’t gain a majority in the Mississippi House until 2012. It has been majority Republican since.[2][3][4]

So, the Democratic Party is part of the good ole boys’ club. However RINOs (Democrats) actually dominate the Republican Party too. They work together to rule Mississippi like their own family plantation. The state is run on the plantation system where light skinned house slaves with privilege (bourgeoisie) are divided against dark skinned field slaves (proletariat), while the governor lords over us while living in a literal slave mansion, the Governor’s Mansion having been built in 1841 by slaves. Divide et impera.

Recently, Democratic nominee for the Governor of the great state of Mississippi, Brandon Presley, said that he would get rid of the good ole boy’s club. He may want to check his notes, because Democrats had run the state until a little over a decade ago. They are the good ole boys club.





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