history, economics, and current events

East Palestine, Ohio

East Palestine, Ohio

On February 3, 2023, a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. It was carrying hazardous materials, such as vinyl chloride, as trains often do. Some of those chemicals have been seeping into the gourd and water. On February 6, the Ohio Emergency Management Agency did a controlled burn, releasing deadly chemicals into the atmosphere. How bad this turns out to be has yet to be determined, but it aint lookin’ good.

On February 6, ater the train derailed on February 3, the Ohio Emergency Management Agency did a controlled burn of some of the rail cars because they feared that they would explode.[1]

The controlled burn and leaked chemicals may be poisoning the environment. The Morning Journal News, based out of Lisbon, Ohio, wrote about the Columbia County Humane Society’s efforts to document animals deaths on February 15 in an article entitled, Animals sick, dying following derailment are ‘suspect.’ They write,[2]

“It’s ‘suspect’ that the problems are popping up at once, McGuire said. She said that East Palestine is a rural area, so it is not uncommon for animals to get into things they shouldn’t, but this is an abundance of cases.

She said the entities involved in the derailment ‘have to pay attention to that.’

Several of the animals, McGuire said, were diagnosed by their veterinarian vinyl chloride poisoning. Vinyl chloride was one of the toxic chemicals released by the controlled burn of a train car on Feb. 6.”

Luckily for humans, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency announced that the water in the area was safe to drink.[3]

Interestingly, White Noise, a film on Netflix released December 30, 2022, was about a train derailment and chemical disaster in Ohio. Some East Palestinian residents were cast as extras.[4]

On Thursday, February 18, FEMA denied Ohio Governor DeWine’s request for help. The next day, they reversed their decision and decided to send “assistance teams,” per Zerohedge.[5]

Today, Monday, February 20, President Joe Biden visited Kiev, Ukraine, and promised more financial aid.

The official statement from the White House reads,[6]

“Today, in Kyiv, I am meeting with President Zelenskyy and his team for an extended discussion on our support for Ukraine. I will announce another delivery of critical equipment, including artillery ammunition, anti-armor systems, and air surveillance radars to help protect the Ukrainian people from aerial bombardments. And I will share that later this week, we will announce additional sanctions against elites and companies that are trying to evade or backfill Russia’s war machine. Over the last year, the United States has built a coalition of nations from the Atlantic to the Pacific to help defend Ukraine with unprecedented military, economic, and humanitarian support – and that support will endure.”

Chernobyl was a nuclear disaster in Ukraine, which was part of the USSR, along with Russia, in 1986. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant blew up. 50 people died. It resulted in 30,000 people being evacuated from nearby Pripyat. They never returned. Numerous cancers in Europe have been caused by the disaster. a 1,600 square mile exclusion zone exits to keep people from killing themselves from the radiation exposure.[7]

The precise number of deaths can’t be known, because the collapse of the USSR in 1991 resulted in a decrease in living standards for many people who could no longer rely on the state for their welfare.[8]

The handling and obvious attempt at downplaying the disaster resulted in people distrusting the Socialists running the government. That will probably happen in America too.

On February 3, 2023, a train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. It was carrying hazardous materials, such as vinyl chloride, as trains often do. Some of those chemicals have been seeping into the gourd and water. On February 6, the Ohio Emergency Management Agency did a controlled burn, releasing deadly chemicals into the atmosphere. How bad this turns out to be has yet to be determined, but it aint lookin’ good.









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