history, economics, and current events

Plague and Famine

Plague and Famine

The Corona Virus in China could be worse than officially reported and is spreading through Asia. Locusts swarms are spreading through East Africa to Pakistan.

Via Zerohedge,

“According to the report, late on Saturday evening, Tencent, on its webpage titled "Epidemic Situation Tracker", showed confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (2019nCoV) in China as standing at 154,023, 10 times the official figure at the time. It listed the number of suspected cases as 79,808, four times the official figure.

And while the number of cured cases was only 269, well below the official number that day of 300, most ominously, the death toll listed was 24,589, vastly higher than the 300 officially listed that day.”[1]

Michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse Blog writes,

“What we are witnessing in east Africa and across much of the Middle East right now is hard to believe.  360 billion locusts are eating everything in sight, and UN officials are warning that this plague of ‘Biblical proportions’ could get many times worse over the next several months.  Desert locusts can travel up to 93 miles a day, and each adult can consume the equivalent of its own weight in food every 24 hours.  These voracious little creatures are traveling in absolutely colossal swarms that are up to 40 miles wide, and they continue to push into new areas.  If urgent action is not taken on a massive scale, millions upon millions of people could soon have next to nothing to eat.”

How does one hedge against natural disasters?

“Economists have been trying to gauge the blowback from the outbreak as the virus begins to disrupt global supply chains, but as more factories on the mainland announce extended shutdowns and delays, that's getting increasingly difficult to do.

Yesterday, we noted how Hyundai Motor Co. and its sister Kia Motors Corp. suspended production lines in South Korea after it was hit with a parts shortage from China as the virus outbreak broadened.

Now there is a new report that could create huge problems for America's most valuable company: Apple supplier Foxconn said Wednesday that its facilities in China could take several weeks to resume full production, or at least that's what one source with insider knowledge told Reuters.”[3]

The CCP is trying to inflate their way out of their problems.

“So looking ahead, what will China do? According to Nomura’s Chinese Econ Team, expect more policy and fiscal-easing measures to be announced in coming weeks, and of course an avalanche of more money.”[4]*

Everything is fine! Only an act of God could stop this economic machine!

[1] https://www.zerohedge.com/health/did-chinas-tencent-accidentally-leak-true-terrifying-coronavirus-statistics

[2] http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/360-billion-locusts-and-growing-a-plague-of-biblical-proportions-is-destroying-crops-across-the-middle-east-and-africa

[3] https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/foxconn-sees-iphone-production-resuming-late-february

[4] https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/china-unleashes-bazookas-and-thats-just-start-heres-what-it-will-do-next

* https://www.nomuraholdings.com/company/outline/ “Nomura is an Asia-headquartered financial services group with an integrated global network spanning over 30 countries. By connecting markets East & West, we service the needs of individuals, institutions, corporates and governments through our four business divisions: Retail, Asset Management, Wholesale (Global Markets and Investment Banking), and Merchant Banking.”

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