The Reign of Terror
Terrorism is the use of fear to manipulate people into obedience. Like during the French Revolution (1789-1799), terror is being used to control people today because the government is losing control as the debt is inflated away.
According to, terrorism is “the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives,” and “intimidation or coercion by instilling fear.”[1]
Terrorism was first coined in France during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. In contradiction to the first part of the above quote, terrorism was the lawful use of violence or threats to intimidate and coerce the French civilian population, with the goal of furthering political, social, and ideological objectives (the French Revolution).
The Reign of Terror was the execution of thousands of political opponents- primarily between September 1793 and July 1794, with executions occurring throughout the Revolution. For example, French King Louis XVI was executed by guillotine on January 21, 1793.
Britanicca Online states,[2]
“Definitions of terrorism are usually complex and controversial, and, because of the inherent ferocity and violence of terrorism, the term in its popular usage has developed an intense stigma. It was first coined in the 1790s to refer to the terror used during the French Revolution by the revolutionaries against their opponents. The Jacobin party of Maximilien Robespierre carried out a Reign of Terror involving mass executions by the guillotine. Although terrorism in this usage implies an act of violence by a state against its domestic enemies, since the 20th century the term has been applied most frequently to violence aimed, either directly or indirectly, at governments in an effort to influence policy or topple an existing regime.”
What caused the Reign of Terror was the collapse of French society by excessive taxation, corrupt laws, and hyperinflation. The situation had become so bad following the French participation in the American Revolution that King Louis XVI of France called the Estates General to assemble in 1789 to propose solutions (it had not been assembled since 1614). There were three estates in France: First Estate (clergy), Second Estate (nobility), and the Third Estate (commoners). The Third Estate, being the majority, broke off and created the National Assembly, marking the beginning of the French Revolution.[3]
According to H.A. Scott Trask writing for the Mises Institute in an article entitled Inflation and the French Revolution: The Story of a Monetary Catastrophe,[4]
“The National Assembly that took de facto control of political power in France in the summer of 1789 found itself facing an even worse fiscal crisis than that faced by the now defunct monarchy just months earlier. The Assembly was spending enormous sums on public works projects in Paris and for bread subsidies. Having just thrown off the shackles of royal authority, the people were in no mood to resume paying taxes, much less pay more.
The Assembly knew that it was politically inconceivable to lay new taxes and expect them to be paid without sending an army into the countryside to shake down the peasants, but who would pay the army? And further borrowing was out of the question until new taxes could be laid. That left one resource—plundering the privileged orders. In November 1789, the Assembly expropriated the vast lands and estates of the French church and declared them to be ‘national properties.’”
Tax the rich!
Continuing, Mr. Scott notes,
“It was not long before the Assembly realized that the sale of church lands alone would not be the fiscal bonanza they had envisioned. For one thing, throwing all those properties on the market would diminish their selling price. Second, there was just not enough floating capital (i.e. specie) in France to make large scale purchases. What to do? It was time for "the last remedy" for fiscal insolvency—government fiat paper currency. Here, the American Revolution furnished a pernicious precedent.”
The precedent being referred to was the inflation of the Continental paper currency during the American Revolution (1776-1783) and the resulting price inflation that led to Shay’s Rebellion (1786), the Whiskey Rebellion (1791-1794), and the Constitution and Bill of Rights, respectively.[5]
Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense and The Crisis, spoke on the American inflation in 1786. He said,[6]
“As to the assumed authority of any assembly in making paper money, or paper of any kind, a legal tender, or in other language, a compulsive payment, it is a most presumptuous attempt at arbitrary power. There can be no such power in a republican government: the people have no freedom - and property no security - where this practice can be acted.” - Thomas Paine, Dissertations on Government, the Affairs of the Bank, and Paper Money, 1786
Of course, printing money just makes prices rise. It only works so long as the money is considered valuable. In fact, inflation is so destructive to societies that it is the 5th plank of Communism per Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto and John Maynard Keynes, referencing Vladimir Lenin, said that it was the surest way to overturn the existing basis of society.
"Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose." -John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, Chapter VI pg 236
Again continuing, Mr. Scott writes,
“During 1793, the Convention issued 1,200 million assignats; in 1794, 3,000 million. Next came the deluge. In 1795, 33,000 million were printed, and in October, when a new government—the Directory—assumed power, the assignats' purchasing power had fallen to almost nothing. On the black market, 600 francs of assignats traded for one gold franc.
The Directory was done with the assignat, but it was not done with inflation. In February 1796, it issued a new paper currency, the mandat, and made it exchangeable for assignats at the rate of 30 to 1. By August, after 2,500 million had been issued, the mandat had fallen to three percent of its face value. In 1796, the Directory had had enough, finally, and it withdrew the legal tender character of both the assignat and the mandat. Thereupon, their remaining meager exchangeable value disappeared altogether.”
As in France before and during the French Revolution, the inflation in the USA today is historic, as measured by the now discontinued M2 money supply metric. Since the total end of the gold standard in 1971, debt, taxes, regulations, and inflation have impoverished so many Americans that the government of the USA has taken over the economy (lockdowns).[7]
What isn’t taxed or regulated?
By early 2020, the government needed an excuse for the unemployment and price inflation that was coming as a result of the Sept 2019 Repo Crisis and their inflationary response to it (see the Federal Reserve’s Assets below) because in September, the Federal Reserve had begun printing money again (“Not QE”) and buying government bonds to keep interest rates low so that the government and bond market could stay solvent.[8][9]
The excuse for politicians was the lockdown. If we are in a lockdown, then we aren’t in a depression because we can “return to normal” if we just obey them. Instead of people blaming politicians for their impoverishment, politicians could be heroes and could blame the unemployment and inflation on those who don’t comply. Fear is a powerful tool.
But would the government purposefully use terror to make up for their failures with managing the debt?
According to Glen Greenwald, they would at least create terrorism.
In an article titled, FBI Using the Same Fear Tactic From the First War on Terror: Orchestrating its Own Terrorism Plots, he writes,[10]
“Indeed, the FBI has previously acknowledged that its own powers and budget depend on keeping Americans in fear of such attacks. Former FBI Assistant Director Thomas Fuentes, in a documentary called ‘The Newberg Sting’ about a 2009 FBI arrest of four men on terrorism charges, uttered this extremely candid admission:
If you’re submitting budget proposals for a law enforcement agency, for an intelligence agency, you’re not going to submit the proposal that ‘We won the war on terror and everything’s great,’ cuz the first thing that’s gonna happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half. You know, it’s my opposite of Jesse Jackson’s ‘Keep Hope Alive’—it’s ‘Keep Fear Alive.’ Keep it alive.
In the Whitmer kidnapping case, the FBI's own affidavit in support of the charges acknowledged the involvement in the plot of both informants and undercover FBI agents ‘over several months.’”
He even posted a picture of two past articles that he wrote on the FBI to his twitter on July 24, 2021.[11]
The tweet its self states,
“Questioning the FBI's role in 1/6 was maligned by corporate media as deranged. But only ignorance or a desire to deceive could produce such a reaction. To keep fear levels high and the US security state's powers and budgets even higher, FBI has been doing this for decades.”
So now the question is, where did the Chinese Coronavirus originate?[12]
According to Kentucky Senator and Medical Doctor Rand Paul, the US government’s National Institute of Health was involved in funding research on the virus at the Chinese Communist Party’s Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.[13]
Source: [14]
As Christian Spencer writing for The Hill notes on July 26th 2021,[15]
“Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) made good on his threat to refer Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Biden and director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to the Justice Department for allegedly lying to Congress about funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
Considering that the USA and Saudi Arabia helped fund Osama bin Laden and the mujihadeen against he Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980’s, it is conceivable that people in the government would use terrorism to their advantage.[16]
Luckily for the majority of Mississippians, Governor Tate Reeves ended our lockdowns and has most likely saved the lives of many obese and stressed out (terrorized) citizens. Stress is a killer, especially with many potential false positives as the flu declined dramatically as covid appeared.[17]
Terrorism is the use of fear to manipulate people into obedience. Like during the French Revolution (1789-1799), terror is being used to control people today because the government is losing control as the debt is inflated away.
The French Revolution ended with the dictatorship of Emperor Napoleon.
President Joe Biden didn’t author both the 1994 Crime Bill and the Patriot Act because he didn’t want a police state.[19][20]
[6] “George Washington was amongst the wide readership of Paine’s writings. Before the famous crossing of the Delaware on the way to victory at Trenton in late 1776, General George Washington ordered officers to read Paine’s The American Crisis to the Continental Army.”