history, economics, and current events

Wir Sind das Volk

Wir Sind das Volk

The barbarians, those living across the Rhine from the old Roman Empire, are in revolt.

The Danes have successfully blocked more lockdown restrictions and forced vaccinations by protesting.

According the Paul Joseph Watson writing in Summit News,

“A law in Denmark that would have given authorities the power to forcibly inject people with a coronavirus vaccine has been abandoned after nine days of public protests.”[1]

The Germans are currently protesting more lockdowns, shouting,

“We are the people!”[2]

The Hungarians and Poles are even in revolt against Brussels.

Tyler Durden of Zerohedge writes,

“Brussels officially has a full-blown populist rebellion on its hands.


A clause in the budget would strip Budapest and Warsaw of billions of euros in EU funding if they don't impose certain measures to strengthen the "rule of law" as Brussels sees fit. Both Hungary and Poland are facing EU "investigations" over allegations they undermined the independence of courts and the media.


Since the unprecedented EU-wide borrowing package requires unanimous consent to move forward, Poland and Hungary's opposition will force Merkel and her allies to strike some kind of a deal with Hungary and Poland, if not back down, as Brussels accuses Budapest and Warsaw of subjecting their judiciaries to political influence, in defiance of EU principles.”[3]

Of course, the lockdowns are just a distraction from the real reason that the economy is in a depression: we are all broke and inflation is the only way to pay off the debts.[4]

"Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose." -John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, Chapter VI pg 236





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