The world faces a depression.
The world faces a depression.
What if peace had broken out in 1914?
“[…] go short credit & stocks when new lows in bond yields & US$ appreciation becomes disorderly bearish signaling tighter Fed liquidity & sparking recession/default fears.”
-Bank of America CIO Michael Hartnett
The decline in the Baltic Dry Index is matched only by the late 2015- early 2016 plunge. Anyone paying attention back then remembers August as being interesting.
JP Morgan Chase is being investigated for manipulating the precious metals market.
If the virus is worse than presently known… Black Swan.
What happens when unlimited demand hits supply constraints?
The Corona Virus in China could be worse than is officially reported and is spreading through Asia. Locusts swarms are spreading through East Africa to Pakistan.
The art of good business is being a good middleman. The cartels are middlemen. If people have a choice to legally use other middlemen, per the US Bill of Rights, then the cartels will lose the money to finance their wars.
The British will leave the EU today, Jan 31st, at 23:00 Greenwich Mean Time (5 PM Central).
Repo purchases,[2] after they were initially started without warning on Sept 17, were originally only supposed to go through Oct, then Nov, and as of yesterday, through the end of January.
“Third, there is a more obvious explanation behind the stock market’s rise: the prospect of a sustained economic expansion and a Fed that is likely to stay on the sidelines and not raise its federal funds rate target in 2020.”
-Bill Dudley, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
QE is printing money to buy debt and this idea is printing money to buy different debt.
What if the dollar had a strict limited supply?
Enter bitcoin.
“You can't jump into cash. Cash is trash. Because they’re going to print money.”
-Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio
Iranian Quds commander Qasem Soleimani[1] was assassinated in Iraq today by the USA.[2] He is a veteran of the Iran-Iraq War (the USA armed both sides as evidenced by the Iran-Contra Scandal[3]), a friend of Hamas Hezbollah, and an enemy of ISIS.
The guns fall silent.
Silence sings a loud moan,
And all the valiant,
Die in the trenches alone.
On Saturday, the 21st of December 2019, Malaysia ended a summit on several issues affecting Muslims, including discussing returning to a gold standard with Iran, Qatar, and Turkey.
Some people think we are not in a depression because their neighborhood looks fine and the talking heads on TV are parroting talking points about the strong economy. If an official said that we were in a depression today, it would only be because of what was already happening in the real world. You don’t need an expert to tell you what is already true. “Experts” are just like horse-blinders that cause you to ignore what is going on around you.
“We should be happier to have a job than to have our savings protected.”
-Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB and former Chairwoman of the IMF, Oct 31st, 2019