A list of the metal contained in commonly found coins.
A list of the metal contained in commonly found coins.
“We’re not even thinking about, thinking about, thinking about raising rates.” -Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.
Sweden never ordered their people to wear masks and they have a lower mortality rate than the USA.
The stimulus programs have sent trillions of dollars of aid to families who are unemployed because of the government lockdown. Considering the current scale of the riots and unrest, what would happen if just one of the programs ended?
Inflation is taxation as the government gets to spend the newly created money first while prices for citizens rise as the money loses value.
Is Robert Foster the King of his castle or is Tate Reeves the King, making laws because he says so (rule by dictate)?
“We asked them to blink their lights and when we then went to the window, all of Warsaw was blinking.”
The hand, behold, the nail, behold.
On June 19, 1865 Major General Gordon Granger announced to the slaves of Texas that they were free per Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
If that man offered you his car for $100, do you have enough silver or gold to afford it today?
$1 was a coin of 24 grams of silver.
$20 was a coin of 30 grams of gold.
In 1720 the French were impoverished for the same reasons that the USA are being impoverished today: debt and inflation.
Mississippi should change the flag to represent all peoples living in the state. A new flag should represent freedom for everyone. Mississippi has the potential to be the cultural and economic center of the USA. Let the flag and the laws represent that.
In the city of Seattle, an autonomous commune of Marxists has seceded from the the State of Washington, USA.
Today, the Nasdaq hit an all time high and the USA was documented to be in a recession.
“If the workers who were recorded as employed but absent from work due to ‘other reasons’ (over and above the number absent for other reasons in a typical May) had been classified as unemployed on temporary layoff, the overall unemployment rate would have been about 3 percentage points higher than reported…“ -BLS
"What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor?”
Too bad printing money doesn’t increase our health or our wealth because the USA have replaced the Ottoman Empire and the Soviet Union as the sick man of Europe.
Three employees of the Fed are writing a working paper to see what would happen if the Federal Reserve inflated away the US debt.
“We study the implications of a coordinated fiscal and monetary strategy aimed at creating a controlled rise of inflation to wear away a targeted fraction of debt.”