Terrorism is the use of fear to manipulate people into obedience. Like during the French Revolution (1789-1799), terror is being used to control people today because the government is losing control as the debt is inflated away.
Terrorism is the use of fear to manipulate people into obedience. Like during the French Revolution (1789-1799), terror is being used to control people today because the government is losing control as the debt is inflated away.
Science (authority) is the god of the American left.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is the idea that the Constitution should be abolished because our laws are fundamentally racist; but, really it is because the Constitution is antithetical to Socialism (lockdowns). The lockdowns are being used to justify printing trillions of dollars to avoid defaulting on the debt.
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has come out in support of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). Is this somehow connected to Basel III gold regulations going into effect in the European Union on June 28, 2021?
“At its heart the research report debates whether inflation is transitory or the pursuit of these important social priorities by governments will mean inflation will have longer-term and far reaching implications for the health of the global economy. Either way, higher inflation is coming and policymakers are about to face their toughest battle in 40 years.” -Deutsche Bank
The status quo is changing. Transitory inflation is seeming more permanent while permanent politicians are transitioning out of power.
Freedom is productive. People tend to produce more when they can keep the fruit of their labor.
“The old and rotten, the monarchy has collapsed. The new may live. Long live the German Republic!” -Philipp Scheidemann, leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, in a public speech at the Reichsdag, November 9, 1918.
The US dollar is based off of a bit coin: Bits of 8 (reales de a ocho).
Under the Constitution, if you don’t hurt people and take their stuff, then you can do whatever that you want with your own property, starting with the idea that you own yourself. You are protected by due process. In other words, treat people the way you want to be treated and you are free.
The world appears to be on the verge of replacing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and US President Joe Biden are all making claims that point to that conclusion. Bitcoin may replace the dollar, but unless computer chips are made out of bitcoin, then bitcoin will not replace gold.
“The ordinary paper that consumers use throughout their everyday life such as newspapers, books, cereal boxes, etc., is primarily made of wood pulp; however, United States currency paper is composed of 75 percent cotton and 25 percent linen.” -The Bureau of Engraving and Printing at the U.S. Department of the Treasury
So long as foreigners accept dollars (E.g. China and Saudi Arabia), they’ll keep selling the US things (Chinese products and oil). If the USA keep printing dollars endlessly, foreigners will raise their prices or use alternative currencies, including gold and silver, with which to trade. The USA consumes more than they produce only because people want the dollar. Once that ends, there will be a scarcity of imports.
“As the glutting of the market was followed by a fall in prices, the men with the heaviest debts experienced the greatest difficulty in selling, and numbers were ejected from their properties.”
-Tacitus, writing about the year 33 AD in the Annals (116 AD).
During the Roman Republic, the Ides were the time of the month when the full moon appeared, usually around the 15th. It was the date traditionally used to settle debts.
“Looking at them in the distance, one would take them for a war-party of Comanches on a trail to steal cattle from the settlements. The chief seemed pleased with my acquaintance, for he gave me a handsomely caparisoned mule, expecting no doubt a much larger present in return, as is their custom. I was puzzled to make a suitable return, as they do not value money, salt being their medium of exchange, and now and then the Maria Theresa silver dollar. Doing the best I could to make him a return, I made the mule and its trappings a present to my friend Abbé Duflot.”
-William Loring, A Confederate Soldier in Egypt
The M1 and M2 money supply charts will no longer be updated and “the Fed’s payment system that allows banks to send money back and forth went down for several hours,” on Wednesday
During Tulipmania, people were imagining all the gold that their tulip receipts were worth. Bitcoin is a receipt for imaginary gold. History repeats.
Acts 25:9-12 “But Festus had a mind to ingratiate himself with the Jews, so he answered Paul thus, Art thou ready to go up to Jerusalem, and meet these charges before me there? Upon which Paul said, I am standing at Caesar’s judgement-seat, where I have a right to be tried. As for the Jews, I have done them no wrong, as thou knowest well enough. If I am guilty, if I have done something which deserves death, I do not ask for reprieve; if their charges are without substance, no one has a right to make them a present of my life. I appeal to Caesar. Then Festus conferred with his council, and answered, Hast thou appealed to Caesar? To Caesar thou shalt go.”
Does the game stop when people realize that printing money is a deliberate policy?